Why Try Coaching with AVM

Communications consultant, coach and mindfulness teacher Anne V Muhlethaler

AVM Consulting offers coaching and consulting to creative professionals who need a supportive hand to find fulfillment in their personal and professional lives.

Anne likes to describe coaching as a partnership in which the coach creates a safe environment for clients so they can explore areas of difficulty and overcome hurdles.

Anne’s strengths lie in clarifying objectives. She steers her clients through issues using deep listening and powerful questions to help flush out solutions and establish clear steps so that people can achieve tangible results. The tools she uses range from non-violent communication, coaching skills, storytelling, ACT tools, IFS, and mindfulness practices. Perhaps her most important tool of all is deep listening.

Her clients benefit from the blended approach of coaching and consulting. As a coach, Anne drives inner-inquiry and suggests obstacle-busting exercises during live sessions or later at home. As a consultant, Anne taps into her depth of experience to offer resources, articles, books, when appropriate.

‘Have you noticed how we often don’t listen to external advice, even when well-meaning and useful? That’s where coaching comes in: when we are in a safe space and asked the right questions, our minds go and find the right answer.

In using inquiry, we get in touch with our own deep motivations, our driving values. We connect to our essence. And that’s what can power the change we want to see happen in our lives.’ -

Anne V Mühlethaler


Coaching is for anyone who is finding themselves in a tricky place, whether it’s battling with work-life imbalance, wanting to move forward in their career but unsure how to, in need to develop leadership skills, setting boundaries or in need of finding purpose to move forward in life.

Also, coaching is good for those who need an accountability partner to actually move the needle on the projects they want to bring to fruition. 

Simply put, choosing a coach often spells the difference between failure and success. 

Do you want to see results in your life? Your one and precious life?

Let a coach help steer you in the direction of your goals.


Deep listening & powerful questions
A mindful, non-judgmental approach 
Defined objectives and success measurement 
Accessing clarity 
Grounding and focus
Actionable next steps 
All tailored to your needs 
Personalised resources
Mindful communication tools
Session notes & recordings upon request 
Self-reflection, journaling prompts
Tailor-made guided meditations


Anne has pursued a number of certifications and continues to study to add to her current tools and qualifications in order to be the best possible thinking partner for her coaching and consulting clients.

Among them she has certified and qualified in with:
Wayfinder Life Coach Training, ATCP Training Program with Martha Back
The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (MMTCP), with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield
Anusara Yoga 200YTT with Suzanne Faith of Bindu School of Yoga
The Contemplative Psychotherapy Program, Mindfulness Year with the Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science
The Playing Big Facilitator Training with Tara Mohr (pending certification)
Scaling Intimacy, Virtual Experience Design Training
Say What You Mean, conscious communication modules 1 and 2 with Oren Jay Sofer
The Copy Workshop, The Storytelling Workshop, The Podcast Fellowship, and she is an AltMBA 14 alumn - all Akimbo Programs

Wayfinder Life Coach Training Certification badge for Anne Muhlethaler
IFC member badge