Many people hear the word coach and they think: oh, you give people advice

Nope, that’s not it at all. On the contrary, I spent countless hours learning NOT to give advice to my clients. 

If you’re confused, let me clarify. 

Coaching, as defined by the ICF (the International Coaching Federation), refers to the process of ‘partnering with a client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential’. 

Coaches, like myself, ask questions; consultants and advisors offer advice, recommendations, and resources. I wear both a coach hat and a consulting hat, but if you’re an individual, the only service I provide is coaching. 

Getting a coach means choosing a thinking partner.  

You can think of it as getting someone who will hold you accountable, a sparring partner with a fresh perspective, who is there to help you get to where you want to be. My role, the role of the coach, is to be honest and transparent, to listen deeply, so I can guide my clients to deepen their self-awareness so they better understand how and why they think and behave in the way they do. 

Change management

Most coaching (per the above) is geared towards managing change, helping people get unstuck and moving them towards their goals. I have also found that coaching tools help us unearth our inner motivation. 

So you want to reach XYZ objectives, but you can’t seem to make headway. Why is this important in the first place? Do you know? Once you get in touch with that intrinsic why, you will experience a new drive to move towards your goals.

If you’re among the many who don’t know what they want just yet, we can figure it out together. Don’t feel bad, by the way, that was me for a long time. 

Either way, coaching will help you tap into that sense of inner calm that lies beneath the turbulent waves of life. 


Some say that coaching is to therapy what personal training is to Western medicine. I love a metaphor, and this feels just right. You don’t go to your doctor to get sculpted abs: you go to the gym and start working out. And when you want great results, you seek out a personal trainer. 

Similarly, you come to a coach when you are ready to see change. And results! 

A coach doesn’t replace a therapist, and while there are parallels and some shared modalities and tools, what I offer is not therapy. 

My clients come to me because they have had enough of the status quo. They are ready, now.

The good news is (and perhaps unlike personal training) a good coach can help a client in profound ways within a 15 or 20-minute session. Imagine what we could do together in 50 minutes. 

Accountability, as I mentioned above, is also one of the key reasons people will come to coaching. As you may know from experience, despite wanting something to change in our lives, we often become complacent. We procrastinate and settle for whatever the current situation is.

If you want out of that cycle, I have plenty of tools and resources to share with you in order to make sure that you do move forward, and that you honour your commitment to yourself. 

I remember one of my teachers saying to me: ‘Never leave the sight of a coaching session without an action plan.’

Coaching is all about design, planning and action. 

Depending on where you are at, first we will dream and scheme, design or imagine the ideal scenario. From that we will start to move towards concrete next steps, the planning phase.

Sometimes, the smallest steps forward are all we need, and with those tiny steps, we build momentum. 

And then we iterate. When we start to action change, we often meet obstacles, resistance, or simply failure: best laid plans and all that. The point is not to give up but to pivot, even if it is by one degree, as my teacher Martha Beck likes to point out. Move the course of your life by a single degree and imagine where that will get you.


How you approach coaching isn’t dissimilar to how you start with a new sport or a new language. Depending on how fast you want things to move, you will need to choose your time investment. 

I have devised a couple of options for clients to choose from, but if none of them work for you, we can always get on a call and I can work on a bespoke solution to help you meet your goals.

Also per the above, trust your intuition. Your gut. It’s probably going to steer you to the person you need to meet.  


This is my niche, as they say. I coach creative professionals in need of a thinking partner to help them expand their horizons. 

Whether you want to make some headway in your career, navigate the rough waters of change, get over burnout, set boundaries, these are things I can help you with. 

This one is best when you want to dip your toes into coaching. It includes three 50-min coaching sessions, to be taken within three months of booking. Homework and exercises, notes and recordings available.

CHF 525


This program is objectives-led: if you are ready to move forward and reach a specific goal, this program is for you. Month-long, with four sessions, followed by bespoke exercises, guided meditations, and journaling prompts. 

CHF 700


Caught in the quicksands of change? Feel like you can’t get to the right place and you need orienting as much as grounding in order to make sense of where you will go next? Then this quarterly program is a great starting point. Composed of fortnightly sessions, values and vision exercises, as well as journaling prompts and relevant resources.

CHF 1050


This nine-month program is for those who want to make steady progress, staying the course even when the world or life gets busy, perhaps even moving you away from your objectives. Composed of fortnightly sessions, bespoke tools and exercises, including values, vision, mission and intention, we can also touch base by email as needed in between sessions. 

CHF 3150

To find out if my brand of coaching is for you, book a free 30 min exploratory session 
