Pippa Small, 2022 - ongoing


Global strategy and business objectives, e-commerce, digital marketing, agency assignments

workshops model to align business objectives, mission, values, and messaging.

values-based communication outline, tone of voice, email strategy, event conceptualisation...

Specs of gold being panned in the Choco region
📾 rights reserved Pippa Small

‘We were introduced to Anne Muhlethaler a year ago to look into digital marketing consultation for our company.

What we found was that Anne has given us so much more than just marketing advice. As a business that has been active for over 25 years we were in desperate need of a post covid look at ourselves, our ethos, our dreams, our communication and our mission.

Anne has held our hand through advice on difficult conversations, introductions to helpful relevant external partners and helping us step outside ourselves and look at the business from a new perspective.

It has been an extremely helpful, inspiring, motivating and exciting journey that we just want to carry on with Anne forever!’ -

Pippa Small

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Click on the link below to listen to Pippa’s speak to Anne about clean gold and the luxury of made by hand on the Out of the Clouds Podcast